16 March 2015

Week 27: The AniJam

48 hours and just over 5hrs worth of sleep later and we have successfully completed The AniJam event courtesy of Smudge Digital.

This was a stupidly good weekend, and I feel to lucky to have been able to work with such hilarious and ridiculously talented people. 

The vibe was so chilled and everyone put in more than 100%! Nearly all of us are working together on the Going Live project which definitely helped - so we know each others strengths etc.

Knowing that we only had 48hrs to do this we knew it needed to be simple and that we would be doing everything from scratch. The only decision made before hand was that it would be a 2D / 3D hybrid of sorts as most of the team has lots of 2D experience.

The brainstorming session took a little while, but once we found our idea (a hybrid between Slava and Amit) we ran with it and I was amazing that we were all really in sync when it came to visualising it - the storyboard was really rough and quick but we managed to go in the same direction.

Ritchie was overseeing the overall style and look - everyone has such individual 2D styles and we knew this would need to be reigned it, and as Ritchie came up with the character design we really wanted him to reign us in so our designs weren't straying to far.

This is Clyde!!!
Our weapon of choice - Flash.

Ritchie threw together a quick and really great tutorial to ensure we were all making the same kinds of line! I think we really managed to get away with it and that it all blends quite well :)

I haven't used it properly in so so long, and this was my first proper animation sequence with it - was VERY VERY grateful for the advice from Natasha and Yannis, and the hilarious reference from Amit.

I was also production manager for the film and worked on some quick 3D modelling and texturing as well as an array of things including animtion! It was really nice to finally get to do some proper compositing! Still lots to learn but was great for the chance.

This was such a great experience (despite the lack of sleep) and definitely lots to take from it for our Going Live project!! It's also made me really want to focus on a 2D animation stint after this course has finished and see what I can do!

We're all really REALLY happy with the final output and just so happy we finished it! Its a shame that we couldn't get all the sounds added but we're gonna add these in this week so we have a properly completed piece for our portfolio.

So here is Clyde in all his glory