8 March 2015

The Fickleness of Photoshop Love

I have no shame.

When it comes to art practices I tend to get that moment when things suddenly click and I think i've finally got that with texturing.

After a chat with Sean I realised 2 things.

  1. I can render out my tone line separately and make tweaks to it like thinner lines etc in post
  2. I love Photoshop, but i'm not sure it loves me - my initial texture sucked.
I've been so focused on just throwing something on, ignoring actually showing my texture some TLC, but also forgetting all my methods and practices as a painter (like following all the curves and patterns of the face etc) - which is why I haven't been enjoying it. I haven''t been able to convert my 2D paint processes to 3D until today. 

I FINALLY went to see Big Hero 6 in search of some extra inspiration and I think it kind of re-reminded me of what i'm really hoping to achieve this year (obviously within my limits). So i've knuckled down with my texture again and am just trying to have fun with it, and paint like a painter!

I've ditched Photoshop in favour of Mudbox (again) this time just importing the head as an OBJ - the capabilities are heaps better, there's less lag AND I don't have to worry about the seams. Although it means I can't use my Photoshop brushes i'm quite excited now to work with what i've got - the stamp etcs.

I'm now heading into my 4th week of texturing (2 weeks overdue) which isn't cool. So I really really need to reign it in now.

I think this will turn out a lot more realistic than i'd expected, but to be honest that is my painting style and I think it could work quite well!! Also still looking at some comic references - Jorge Molina's portraits of Storm in particular.