25 March 2015

Week 28: That time when I didnt sleep (again)

The things I do for comics.

Currently on the tail end of a 30hour being awake session, and I owe this latest sleep deprivation to Dee-Con (and mainly my procrastination). I have FINALLY (dialogue not included... oops) finished my first finished comic haaa to hand in today for print ^_^.

I started it weeks ago but casually decided to a avoid colouring (which seems to be a running trend), but after realising I had 4 days to finish it I got some wise tips from Yannis and set on my journey to comic mayhem.

I decided to re-ink all 11 pages with the new brushes I aqcuired because I really wasn't happy with the previous brush and inconsistencies. Super happy with this one and managed to get it done over 2 nights. THe last 2 nights I have been colouring and eating large bowls of food and rewatching Kimmy Schmidt in order to stay awake. Success!

I think im a little too tired to assess how I feel about the outcome of it right now ha, looking at it again this morning I saw lots of still mistakes I made when I was half asleep so I wonder if i'll see more when i've finally slept lol.

But here's one of the pages i'm really happy with.. this also happens to be the first page, when I was at my most awake.