28 November 2014

Interstellar, Interlinking, Interactions

I've been thinking a lot about my project and programme of study for my research poster so i'm trying look at a range of sources for inspiration and examples... soooo this week I went to see Christopher Nolan's Interstellar (for a mixture of research and general viewing).

Although the film isn't an 'animation' it obviously features heaps of visual effects. But in regards to my research and project I felt that there were 2 immediate links:
  1. The theme of space
  2. The score contributed to the overall look and feel of the film - apparently Nolan didn't provide Hans Zimmer with a script for the film, only the fable at the centre of the story - Zimmer was left to tell the story in his own 'words'.
I'm in love with the score

I've also been looking at the concept art by Romek Delimata to see if there's any inspiration I can get from it in terms of making changes to the design of my characters space suit.