30 November 2014

Renders, Comps and Confusion

We did some rendering and compositing with Sean this week using a model he'd constructed. I'd taken it upon myself to name him Julian.

I found the rendering process itself a little tricky mainly because theres so many bits of information and setting to remember if you want to get certain results, but I know that'll come in time.
We also did some comping for the rendered image in Nuke - again I found all the bits of info a little tricky to take in, especially as Nuke is still very new to me, but i'm hoping to get in some practice over Christmas.

I'm a massive fan of the node system that Nuke has and I think that'll definitely help me with my process.

I've been working on the composite image to place my model in. I did a couple of quick sketches to figure out what I wanted the image to be based on concept art and my storyboards and decided to with the point when she lands on the planet.

So I decided to quickly throw together a basic model of her space capsule. I look at a couple of references for the texture.

Reference image
My basic space pod model
I'll include it in my final image and will paint the background in Photoshop.

I've finally posed my character and done a bit of weight painting on somme problem areas like the arm bend!

I also mucked around with making some differenct facial expressions by important the face into Mudbox and sculpt editing it on different layers then importing it back into Maya