24 November 2014

Projects, Prep, Pictures

Just a quick update on some of the work i've been doing outside of my own stuff.

I've offered to help Amit and Slava with character design and story boards for their final projects. I've done a few preliminary sketches for their key characters based on their references and have finished the story board for Amits.

We're probably going to sit down next week to talk over everything and make some tweaks / changes ahead of producing final designs.

Sketches and Story board for Amit's project - The Forest Guardian

Sketches and beginning story board for Slava's project - Fall Of The Wall

Slava also organised a life drawing class with her pregnant friend (her main character is pregnant) which was really really useful. 

Was also great to get some life drawing in this week!

I've reached out to the people that have offered to help me with bits and bobs for my project and am hoping to sit down at some point next week to get feedback on what i've come up with so far.

Any advice is great advice right now, and a new perspective would be really useful.

Feeling good about it so far and plan on doing lots of practice and testing over the Christmas - need to make sure my 2D skills are up to scratch.

Many a thing to do!