2 November 2014

All Nighters, Apples and Animatics

Really getting into the pre production for this 2D project... decided to finally start and complete my animatic!

First time i'v every made so had a look at some to make sure I was doing it right.
I had a look at a few of the chapter Animatics for The Legend of Korra:

The only really difference really is that mine is in colour as I exported the frames directly from my storyboard.

I had a go at trying it in Flash, but it wasn't really giving me the results I wanted, so I moved to Premier Pro as I can use it a lot quicker and chuck in a couple of the effects I wanted.

As my project places emphasis on music I cut the sequences to the tracks as carefully and as closely to the beats as possible especially as there are points in the 2 tracks that pull the story forward and convey the ideas/emotions i'm going for.

I'm really happy with it. It runs for just over 2 minutes which is perfect as I'm aiming for no longer than 3.5 mins and I wanted to account for an extra 1 minute for a proper and more complete dance sequence - which I know will be the trickiest bit.

What was really useful is that it highlights the gaps in my scenes and where I need to make sure there's action / movement happening so the frames don't drag out. I'll probably update this with a couple of extra frames / loops at the beginning and during the dance sequence.

The first track is 'Via Purifico' was composed by Nobuo Uematsu for Final Fantasy X - I won't be using it for the final thing, but it's very close to the sound I was going for when designing my character ad story. The next track 'Hope' by Old Lumps is exactly what I had in mind for the story and i've gained permission from the composer to use it - but it's still early days so there's every chance this could change.